The Four Strands
of the ECLC Learning Program

The learning program framework at ECLC is guided by the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) and is supported by a learning continuum which identifies what all students are expected to know, understand and be able to do across all areas of learning. The learning program is also designed to enable teachers to make connections across areas of learning, and to develop programs which accommodate a range of learning styles amongst the children.

ECLC Programs

Throughout our program we take a holistic approach to learning where students are provided with opportunities to learn through fun, engaging and meaningful activities that support their intellectual, physical and social, emotional, development growth.

Toddler Class
(2 – 3 years)

Exploring the world around us through sensory driven experiences.

  • Target # of students: 12 per class
  • Half Day & Full Day Option

Preschool Class
(3 – 4 years)

Instilling a love for life long learning through questioning and problem solving.

  • Target # of students: 16 per class
  • Half Day & Full Day Option

K1 Class
(4 – 5 years)

Strengthening bonds around the classroom as part of a global community.

  • Target # of students: 18-20 per class
  • Full Day Option

K2 Class
(5 – 6 years)

Establishing healthy habits to become socially responsible global citizens.

  • Target # of students: 18-20 per class
  • Full Day Option

Program Details & Admissions

Tuition & Fees

Tuition may be paid either annually or quarterly. Please contact our Admissions Officer for information on pricing –

Grade Level Program Time
Toddler and Preschool Half Day 08:30 – 12:30
Full Day 08:30 – 15:30
K1 & K2 Full Day 08:30 – 15:30

Admission Policy

ECLC exists to provide Early Years Education for children of the local community in Seoul, Korea. ECLC is a secular organization who welcomes children of all nationalities, ethnicities and religions.

In order to enter ECLC, children must be at least 2 years old. ECLC maintains a rolling enrollment policy during the entire year. Children may enroll, in accordance to their age and subject to class availability, any time throughout the academic year. ECLC reserves the right to make adjustments to individual students’ placement based on their developmental capabilities.

Students are accepted into the Toddler program at ECLC with the hope that they have at least a ‘beginning awareness’ of their toileting needs. While diapers or “pull-ups” will be allowed initially, our plan is that the child will gradually become more capable of taking care of his/her own toileting needs – including no longer needing to wear diapers. For students on the youngest end of this spectrum ECLC has personnel specifically designated to help out with their diapering and toileting needs. After a reasonable amount of time has elapsed, and taking the child’s developmental level into account, if there seems to be no noticeable progress in this area, the parents may be consulted by the teachers to work out a temporary plan to address the situation.

Facilities / Activity Center

ECLC is committed to the whole development of the child, addressing children’s social, physical and emotional development. Our facility has been designed to provide your child with a fun and safe environment in which to attain the life tools and skills they will need as they begin their educational journey.

Classrooms are bright and spacious with a variety of hands on activities that improve fine motor skills. Our padded playground is equipped with swings, climbing wall, ball pool, trampoline, monkey bars, and tricycles that help encourage children to improve their gross motor skills. We also have various spaces around ECLC dedicated to role-play, which supports children’s social emotional development.

Bus Service

For those families requiring bus service, ECLC has six buses servicing the Itaewon, Hannamdong, Ichondong, Banpo, Gangnam and Sungbukdong neighborhoods. Children’s safety is our top priority. Each bus has a bus monitor and children wear safety belts at all times.

Application for the bus service shall be made on the ECLC Application Form for Bus Service and submitted to the ECLC Office. Bus seats are allocated on a first come first served basis subject to seat availability and priority is given to families requiring the bus service both to and from ECLC daily. Please contact us at for more information